In the past magazines contained a number of articles, most of which would consume 3, 4 or more pages of text and images. But today magazines are featuring more and more of their content in ONE page or even a HALF page format. These mini-articles typically communicate a significant amount of information centered around a common theme. See the article which was taken from the recent edition of National Geographic Magazine. It focuses on how the world has changed over the last one hundred years. By taking just five minutes to scan this one page article the reader can have a clear understanding of how the world has changed. This is in stark contrast to the former method of communicating the very same facts in several pages of text which would require the reader to invest 20 or 30 minutes of their time. Imagine if we could do the same thing in our marketing, ads, collateral, web sites and so on. Do you think more people would read what we have to say? Do you think they may be more interested in what we have to offer? Of course they would. Let's face it your customers have the same short attention span that we all have.
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