There are thousands of organizations on the verge of committing marketing suicide today. How? By continuing to pour dollars into traditional marketing campaigns like, direct mail, broadcast, print and Internet advertising. Ironically enough with all of the technologies and sophistication which are available to us, these strategies are less effective than ever before. In general they require ever more investment yet yeild less response as time goes on. So how can we attract customers in a more cost effective way? By using the oldest and most powerful form of promotion... viral attraction. By selecting a tightly-defined specialized audience we can create "sneezers" to spread the message in an honest and credible way.
What makes viral attraction so effective? Providing powerful tools for the sneezers to use in spreading the word. If this interests you, I would like to invite you to download my “FREE SNEAK PEEK.” This 7 minute video will give you a good idea of how other companies have assembled a contingent of "sneezers," created viral tools, implemented a viral attraction program in their industry.
In fact this is one of the topics I will be discussing at our March 15, C-Suite Briefing at the Queen Mary in Long Beach. While the cost of the seminar is $149, if you register now it is absolutely FREE! This includes lunch and a surprise gift for all attendees.
More Info on the March 15 Luncheon