
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Giving the customer what they want

Whatever your business is, talk to your customers and provide them with what they want. It makes sense.
-Robert Bowman, CEO Major League Baseball Advanced Media

Apparently this line of thought makes sense to Greg Brenneman, CEO of Burger King as well. As the 10th CEO for the troubled chain in the past 14 years, he took the helm of a company barely clinging on to the #2 spot in the industry, about to lose it to Wendy's. He turned the situation around completely. How did he do this?

Did he introduce cutting edge healthy food items like the ones getting all the press from fast food chains these days?

No! He listened to his customers- and found out that what they want is the OPPOSITE of these healthy items. He introduced the 760-calorie Enormous Omelet Sandwich (two omelets and cheese slices, three strips of bacon and a sausage patty on a bun). This item has helped dramatically increase same store sales over a year ago. Read more about what Brenneman did here.

How can you do the same in your industry? Can you do a study of your best customers and find out what they really want, then deliver it to them? If the past 10 CEOs of a multi billion dollar corporation such as Burger King couldn't figure it out, chances are your competitors won't either. So if you go out and do it, you can gain a tremendous advantage in the marketplace. To help you with the process, read these articles on Customer Satisfaction.

Listening to our customers is something we pride ourselves on at the SBA Network. We have been repeatedly asked to conduct a workshop on our Attract More Business principles, so in response, we're doing just that! On Juy 23 in Monrovia and August 27 in Long Beach we will be presenting a full day workshop to teach you the process of attracting more business, and help you apply it to your business. Click here to request more information about these events.


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